Hey there. Heidi here. Are you happy with your weight? As a fifty-something woman, for me it’s now a daily battle. I don’t know about you but fitting into my pants is super high on my list. I can’t afford to buy a new wardrobe every year. With a 5’3” petite frame, a 5 pound […]
Can Food Help Keep Our Memory Strong?
Today I forgot my neighbor’s name. Oh, sure I could give myself an out and say “That’s okay—I haven’t lived here long” but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I see her all the time. Memory is a precious gift. We take it for granted when we are young and laugh about “losing it” […]
How to Prevent Wrinkles with Food
Got wrinkles? Five years ago I wasn’t as interested in anti-wrinkle remedies as I am today. Today lotions and potions line my bathroom sink like a department store beauty counter. All with promises to slow down the aging process and regain a youthful glow. However, those pesky wrinkles, sagging neck skin and ugly age spots […]
Cool News About Hot Flashes: Weight Loss Helps
It’s hot here today. I think it’s at least 95 degrees. Great if you have time to spend it at the beach but not if you just moved into a new home (5 weeks ago now) and still have boxes sitting in the hallway. I am making a pledge, right now, to get those unpacked, […]
Can Eating Soy Foods Hurt Your Thyroid?
I’ll be the first to admit, here’s where it gets a little mucky. This is why God invented dietitians– to help you sift through it all. So I hope after reading my blog post on how to reduce hot flashes, you’re contemplating eating more soy foods BUT maybe you’ve HEARD that soy can suppress thyroid […]
Seven Ways to Fire Up Your Metabolism {When You’re Over 40}
Once I hit the big 4 0 everything changed. I was a regular exerciser and I watched what I ate, but I couldn’t stop my weight from creeping up about two pounds a year. At this rate, I would easily have gained twenty pounds over the next decade. Fighting it was like swimming against the […]
What the Heck is Going on with My Weight?
Is your body shape changing? Fat racing its way from your hips straight to your tummy? If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering what the heck is going on? My doctor told me to just accept the change, its biology after all, its natural. Um, sorry no. Yes, my body is changing but I don’t […]
My Confession
Dear friend—I have a secret. No, a confession. I am a potato chip, chocolate cookie, onion ring-loving dietitian. Okay, I feel better now. Yes, I know these are not healthy foods, but I still love them and I still eat them on occasion. I’m human. It’s the knowing and doing part that causes me stress. […]
How to Eat Clean and Feel Great
Want to lose weight, feel better, remove toxins and have more energy? Then it time for some clean eatin’. So what is clean eating you ask? Is this somehow different from dirty eatin? “Eating clean” basically means avoiding processed and refined foods and basing your diet on whole foods. Sometimes its easy to do and […]
How to Control Portions Without Feeling Starved
What? You don’t stop eating when you’re full? Ha! I hardly ever stop eating when I’m full. I eat because the food is there and because it tastes good. I stop when the plate is clean. It’s the way I grew up. I am a member of the “Clean Your Plate Club.” So how do […]