Hey there. Heidi here. Are you happy with your weight? As a fifty-something woman, for me it’s now a daily battle. I don’t know about you but fitting into my pants is super high on my list. I can’t afford to buy a new wardrobe every year. With a 5’3” petite frame, a 5 pound […]
Fresh Broccoli Lentil Salad
Is it hot by you? Man, its super hot here in Southern California. Today its a steamy 95 + so Eric and I been living on salads this week. Even too hot for the BBQ. Here’s my all time FAV salad…. I have been making this Broccoli Lentil Salad for years. The original recipe is […]
Lentils, Black Beans, Cilantro – Oh, Yes!
I guess I’m stuck on salads lately – I promise to diversify soon, but you can obviously see I’m excited for summer to get here. Even though we get a lot of fresh produce in Boise year-round, the warm weather gets me fired up to put in a garden and start hitting our local weekend markets. […]