Well, hello belly fat. Who invited you to the party? Sometime between the ages of 40 and 50, ever so slowly, a new body part had appeared on my waistline. I noticed it one day when I attempted to zip up an old pair of jeans. What happened to that “relaxed fit?” Enter my new […]
10 Ways to Tame Your Cortisol
Saturday, as Eric and I rode our bikes down the sandy sidewalk in Huntington Beach I saw a sign in a store window that said, “Smile—it’s good stress relief and makes you happier.” So I smiled. I smiled at Eric. I smiled at the little boy who ran right in front of my bike, and […]
Is the Stress Making You Fat?
Well, hello. How are you? I’m okay…just a little stressed this week. Thanks for asking…or reading. I didn’t realize how much stress affected our life until I learned how much it affects our weight. I’ve always been a calorie counting kind of gal. As a nutritionist I know almost everything about how food effects health. […]