Winner! Winner! Tofu Dinner. No, I haven’t lost it. Yet. But I agree we’ve gone a little soy crazy over here. The Mom in me wants to make sure I give you enough soy meal options to try if you need to control those hot flashes. If you missed my post on soy and hot flashes […]
Super Easy Baked Orange Juice Tofu
I’m certainly learning a lot about tofu so far this month. I had no idea that it had to be pressed before you cook with it—I thought you just cut open the package, fish a chunk out of the milky water, slap it onto the cutting board and create your tofu masterpiece. The recipe I […]
Easy, Tasty Tofu Curry Veggie Bowl
So, this month is all about hormones and Heidi is going to tell us all about how that controversial ingredient “soy” fits into our menopausal lifestyle. She has challenged me to cook often with tofu (which is soy-based) this month and I’m kind of excited. The only time I actually order a tofu dish is […]
Delicious Slow Cooker Lasagna “Stone Soup”
Don’t you just love Pinterest? Anytime I need a healthy new idea for dinner, I can click over and find something simply perfect – and, a lot of other ideas that I put on my massive “Pinterest To Do List.” I bet you have an aspiring Pinterest list, too. Often I start feeling overwhelmed and […]
Home Made Black Bean Burgers
If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, beans would probably be it. Especially black Beans– rich in protein and fiber and packed with antioxidants –all for pennies per serving. Let’s just call them a “super food” bargain. Please don’t keep this a secret, especially if you are trying to […]
Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp
I think Thai food is my most favorite food on the planet. No, I know it is. We love this little Thai food place on the corner and most likely Eric and I are their best customers. They joke we should be family. Its just our go-to place when we are too tired to […]
The Fresh 20 Inspired Hummus Tortilla Melt
This is the first of my “Fresh 20” ( inspired recipes and the second time in my life I’ve eaten hummus, except this time I actually liked it. I think the other hummus “incident” occurred when I was with a Heidi few years ago and she suggested I choke it down with some carrots. Just […]
Perfect Split Pea Soup {Vegetarian}
Man, I love this split pea soup. It so rarely gets cold here in So Cal to serve up hot soup, but today is a heater-on-window-closed- soup-type-of-day. I’m in! Are you? I love to use split peas because they don’t require “soaking” before cooking like most beans. And if you use a rich vegetable broth […]