You know you’re supposed to eat apples, not candy bars. But how to you choose the apple when there’s a candy bar in the way? How do you eat less in a world that wants you eat more?
The secret is… environmental control and portion size.
Think about it. We live in a world of food cues. Food at home. Food in the office. Food on every corner, coffee bars, and gas stations.
We celebrate with food. Give gifts of food. Meet friends over food. There’s just too much good food going on everywhere! And let’s face it; it’s just hard to say no. So how do you eat less in a world that wants you to eat more?
First, the easiest thing to do is to change your HOME environment so you can do the right thing or CHOOSE the healhier food without thinking about it. We need to make our home the “safe zone.” Now I don’t mean clearing out your home of all temptations. If I did that my husband Eric would kill me! What I mean is, start by keeping the foods that call your name…cookies, crackers, sugary drinks, out of sight. This is an important first step. For example, when you bake a pan of brownies, even Weight Watcher recipes, cut them into small pieces, and store them out of view or put half of them in the freezer.
Sheeze! Even I couldn’t pass up homemade brownies sitting on a plate on my kitchen island all day.
Okay, I hear you thinking… Is she flipping crazy? I will remember they’re there. Yep, you will at first. But here’s the second step. Put something healthier in the way. Like some fresh fruit in a bowl on that island. Or easy to grab hummus dip or string cheese on the first shelf of the refrigerator. You need to ADD alternatives…not just take away the bad guys. You’re much more likely to take and eat something that’s at eye level in the fridge or pantry. But its important to arrange storage at home so you see healthy stuff first.
Like I said earlier, we all know were supposed to eat an apple instead of a candy bar, but it’s not going to happen without a few strategies.
Next step… Portion control (Read on)
[…] I serve up our food at the kitchen counter and then sit down at a table to eat. (This is called environmental control). Sometimes I bring the extra vegetables or salad to the table, though. You really can’t over eat […]