So far, my Diary of Eve entries have been focused on food. Just to reiterate, in my case – how I eat greatly affects how my hormones “flow.” I have discovered this through trial and error and a number of periods where I focused on plant-based eating. And, to be clear – this does not mean that I only eat plant-based foods. I have cut out meat and dairy for the most part, but do include eggs and a little bit of goat cheese a few times a week.
I’m one of those gals that really enjoys her cheese, so I treat myself to some hormone-free creamy bits of “goat goodness” about 3-4 times a week. I also realize how “poisonous” sugar is to the body and especially to hormone regulation. But, I enjoy desert and a small lump of chocolate on a regular basis. But, I don’t gorge on sugar like I used to.
The only thing I try to cut out completely – because it’s my biggest addiction in life – is Pepsi Cola. Cola sends me into a sugar and caffeine bender every time. It just as well be crack, although I’m not sure that crack is as whacky on your hormones levels as sugar is, which is kind of sad.
You may be asking where I came up with this eating plan? About a year ago, a friend of mine recommended that I watch the documentary “Forks over Knives.” So, with my handy-dandy Amazon Prime membership, I watch the 2-hour movie and my life has never been the same. I believe it is also free to view for most Netflix members. If you don’t have access to either, go to where you can purchase the documentary and many other books and resources that focus on plant-based eating.
The documentary does not specifically focus on keeping a hold on your hormone levels, but it clearly outlines how adopting a plant-based diet will mostly rid yourself of most health-related issues. Not only was I at the height of perimenopause at the time I viewed “Forks Over Knives,” but I was taking medication on a daily basis for blood pressure, acid reflux and water retention. Even after I completed my first viewing of the documentary, I thought that not eating meat and daily was a bunch of “hooey.” But, as many of you can relate – when you are desperate for answers in order to lose the weight and life threatening disease – you will try anything. So, I did. And, within a month I was off of all of my medications except an occasional acid reflux pill and quickly lost 10 pounds. I was sleeping better, had bounding energy, lighter periods, almost non-existent PMS and was feeling like a teenager again. No exaggeration.
So, even if you do it because you are desperate to lose weight – at least watch the documentary. Maybe try the eating plan for a week or two.
Eating a healthy diet has become my first line of defense for your menopausal woes. Of course, there are a host of other treatments out there – bio-identical hormones, birth control pills, removal of your uterus or even a full hysterectomy. But, before you try any of these – even if your doctor insists on other treatments – try changing your diet. Statistics show that most doctors are not experts in the area of nutrition. I’m not a doctor. Please keep that in mind. I’m only relating what has worked for me – a premenopausal woman. And, if you are lost in terms of finding a good place to start understanding hormones and their relationship to food – check out “Fork Over Knives.” If nothing else, you will be eating a healthful diet. But, I think you will quickly see that results of plant-based eating. . .with a little cheesy goodness and chocolate thrown in here and there.
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