This week I began a new journey. After reading and considering Heidi’s advice with regard to bio identical hormones a couple of weeks ago, I decided to seek out a second opinion with regard to my own treatment of fairly severe perimenopausal symptoms.
Per my story I have previously shared, I spent almost two years suffering from heavy periods one or two times a month, migraines and depression. It took everything in me to hide what was going on – and, it was hard. Most months a few days prior to my period, I would go completely down. I barely got out of bed and when I did, I’d start-up my computer to try and keep up with work so that nobody would suspect anything.
A big part of my issues were made worse because I was under a huge amount of work-related stress. Up until last year, I was running a public relations firm (which I have since sold) AND running my household. I put a lot of pressure on myself to create equal excellence doing both. As a result, I not only had severe perimenopausal symptoms–but there were many, many other health issues that cropped up here and there. Finally last August, I was able to get myself out of the stressful work situation with the sale of my business and take the time to seek proper healthcare.
Many options for treatment were in front of me related to my monthly issues – and, in the end I chose “the pill.” It seemed like the perfect solution and I have to admit I did love not having a period at all. Like magic, it was gone . . .along with all of my other symptoms. But, this past month I became concerned because of my growing blood pressure and weight. Both are common side effects of taking the birth control pill. Based on these two factors, Heidi convinced me that maybe I needed to reconsider bio identical hormones.
So, this week I visited a local healthcare professional who promotes herself as an expert in the area of bio identical hormone therapy. It was interesting. The office was “shee-shee” for Boise—not outfitted with the usual “doctor office chairs” and an occasional giant fish tank. The office was filled with big, comfy chairs and looked like the website “Houzz” threw-up everywhere. Even the bathroom was over the top with its deep burgundy walls and designer toilet paper dispenser. It felt a little snobby and I soon found out it would match the personality of the healthcare professional I came to visit. But, I gave her a chance.
To her credit, she gave me the same initial assessment as my OBGYN and was on the same page with Heidi related to bio identical hormones. So, I submitted to a series of blood tests and will know my fate next week. Fate relating to the fact that she thinks I have a thyroid issue, something I’ve not considered. She is also running DHEA, insulin and testosterone tests. Unfortunately, she could not test my progesterone and estrogen levels because I’m on birth control pills. I didn’t expect that and was disappointed, but it makes sense.
Why am I sharing this all with you? Because many of you are in the same boat – and, why you are following our blog. You want answers and if you are like me—hearing stories from other women during their perimenopausal and menopausal journey is helpful. You learn about options, mistakes, and similarities. I’m going to share my results with you next week and let you know if I have a thyroid issue. I do have a lot common thyroid-related symptoms – extreme fatigue, weight gain, and foot numbness. And, I have a sibling who has struggled with thyroid issues for years.
So, I invite you to follow along with my “live perimenopausal” journey. My greatest hope is that you learn something from either my successes or mistakes. I’m sure there will be both. In the meantime, I look forward to heading back to the “Houzz.” I did like the color of the waiting room . . .
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