Hey there. Heidi here. Are you happy with your weight? As a fifty-something woman, for me it’s now a daily battle. I don’t know about you but fitting into my pants is super high on my list. I can’t afford to buy a new wardrobe every year. With a 5’3” petite frame, a 5 pound […]
Another Belly Fat Tip – Mix Up Your Walking Routine
You can wait for someone to take you to the top of the mountain, or you can tie your shoes and climb there yourself. Following along in the spirit of Heidi’s great “belly fat reduction” post (http://bodyofeve.com/a-new-way-to-fight-belly-fat/) last week, I thought I’d share how I’m currently combining her recommendation to eat earlier in the day […]
A New Way To Fight Belly Fat
Well, hello belly fat. Who invited you to the party? Sometime between the ages of 40 and 50, ever so slowly, a new body part had appeared on my waistline. I noticed it one day when I attempted to zip up an old pair of jeans. What happened to that “relaxed fit?” Enter my new […]
Become a Mindful Eater
I just ate a container of yogurt but I don’t remember eating it. I was reading the newspaper at the same time. Have you ever done that? How about sitting down in front of the TV with a bag of chips and eating half the bag or that tub of popcorn at the movies or […]
Will Using Artificial Sweeteners Help You Lose Weight?
I am asked about my opinion on artificial sweeteners more than any other nutrition question. Honestly, it’s the hardest one to answer because I do like to drink an “occasional” diet soda. Ask me if I ever drink a REAL soda though and the answer is a really easy– NO way! I can’t even imagine […]
Weigh Yourself Once a Week or Gain Weight
When I’m on a diet, I weigh in every morning. Heck, I’m motivated and I like to see the progress I’m making. But once I’m off that diet, the scale is not my friend. Oh, I think about the scale and step around it in the mornings but weighing in or not is largely based […]
Want to Lose More Weight? Drink Water
I admit it, I don’t drink enough water. Do you? Very simply, water is the beverage that keeps us alive. Our body is 60 percent water. We need water to move nutrients and waste through and around our body. Even mild dehydration can zap us of energy. So how much is enough? Well, the Institute […]
How to Survive the Holidays Without Gaining Weight
Ho! Ho! Ho! Heidi here. Well, it’s that time again (National Eating Season) and despite my promises to cut the calories and trim the fat, Thanksgiving came and the turkey wasn’t the only thing that ended up stuffed. Ugh! But I know I am not alone. Overeating during the holidays is about as traditional […]
10 Ways to Tame Your Cortisol
Saturday, as Eric and I rode our bikes down the sandy sidewalk in Huntington Beach I saw a sign in a store window that said, “Smile—it’s good stress relief and makes you happier.” So I smiled. I smiled at Eric. I smiled at the little boy who ran right in front of my bike, and […]
Is the Stress Making You Fat?
Well, hello. How are you? I’m okay…just a little stressed this week. Thanks for asking…or reading. I didn’t realize how much stress affected our life until I learned how much it affects our weight. I’ve always been a calorie counting kind of gal. As a nutritionist I know almost everything about how food effects health. […]