Our Diet for Eve Philosophy: Simple Clean Eating
Food and nutrition is so complex. What works for me may not work for you. And changing a lifelong way of eating is just plain hard. But my goal is to make it easy for you. Our “Diet for Eve” philosophy isn’t intended to increase your stress or be confusing in anyway. In fact, we mean to do just the opposite–to simplify it. We all know change isn’t easy. Especially diet change. So take it in small steps. Think sustainability. What can you do for the long term? Strict diets put everyone on edge, and this new way of eating needs to last.
So here’s the deal. As we enter our our 40’s, our hormones, ever so slowly, begin the downward climb and our metabolism begins to slow. The calories, sugar, processed foods, bread and alcohol we may have been able to eat and drink in our 20-30’s now seems to pack on the pounds. There is no more calorie forgiveness. In fact, for some of you, eating sugar may cause mood swings, and may contribute to terrible, terrible PMS. In fact, I quickly found that eating sugar was like poison in my blood stream that caused me to lash out at my family, especially when I was close to my period. Yet, why did I crave it so much? I will tell you why Click here.
Then when you think “I got this”, perimenopause hits full swing and with this change, we get those oh-so-not-fun hot flashes and more “relationship killing” mood swings, and even MORE weight gain that can rob us of our well-being. Sound familiar? Its no wonder many marriages don’t make it through menopause. Yep, just thinking about food and what we should eat can quickly take center stage in your life. Causing more stress, more weight gain. Sigh. But it doesn’t have to be this way. I learned that what you eat can change everything.
Food and Recipes for Change
There is a broad range of foods and nutrients that women need to:
- Feel your best and keep the weight off
- Support hormone balance
- Stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels
- Reduce inflammation
And the earlier we start the better. Of course, there is no one food that can stop hot flashes or help us to have a better memory. But the combination of foods and meals we cook can make a difference. Here’s generally what we recommend {Click on each heading for more}.
- Use Clean Ingredients — Aim to fill your plates with real whole foods, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans along with moderate amounts of lean protein, fish, nuts, seeds and healthy unrefined oils.
- Use healthy oils and fats (virgin olive, flax, unrefined sesame oil , avocado oil, walnut oil, virgin coconut oil and plain old butter. More on this, click here.
- Use limited amounts of natural sweetener’s such as maple syrup, molasses, date sugar, coconut sugar and honey.
- Limit processed foods as much as possible while keeping in mind time limitations of our busy lifestyle. (Like using pre- made pasta sauce instead of making it from scratch. but there are differences so click here for more)
- Limit sugar, white flour, white rice and other high glycemic carbohydrates and instead eat whole grains, brown rice and lots of vegetables.
- Use portion and environmental control (Our guideline is 500 calories per meal)